
This website is accredited by the Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify this.
We comply with the HON-Code
for confidential health information

The Eight Principles of the HON Code of Conduct

1. Authoritative

(Statement of authors’ qualifications)
Any medical or health advice provided and hosted on this site will be given only by medically trained and qualified professionals unless it is clearly stated that advice is offered by a non-medically qualified individual or organisation.

2. Complementarity

(Information to support the doctor-patient relationship but not replace it)
The information provided on this site is designed to support and not in any way replace the relationship between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing doctor.

3. Privacy

(Compliance with data protection and the confidentiality of personal data entered by the visitor)
Confidentiality of data relating to individual patients and visitors to a medical/health website, including their identity, is respected by this website. The website operators undertake to comply with or exceed the legal requirements of medical/health information privacy that apply in the country or state where the website or mirror sites are located.

4. Attribution
(Indication of the source(s) of the published information and date of medical and health-related pages)
Where appropriate, information contained on this site will be supported by clear references to the data source and, where possible, have specific HTML links to that source. The date when a clinical page was last modified will be clearly displayed (e.g., at the bottom of the page).

5. Justifiability

(The website must substantiate claims with respect to benefits and effectiveness)
Any claims relating to the benefits/effectiveness of a specific treatment, commercial product or service will be supported by appropriate, balanced evidence in the manner outlined above in Principle 4.

6. Transparency

(Accessible presentation, precise e-mail contact addresses)
The designers of this website will seek to provide information in the clearest possible manner and provide contact addresses for visitors requiring further information or support. The webmaster’s e-mail address will be clearly displayed throughout the website.

7. Financial disclosure

(Indication of sources of financing)
Support for this website will be clearly identified, including the identities of commercial and non-commercial organisations that have contributed funding, services or material for the site.

8. Advertising policy

(Advertising content is clearly differentiated from editorial content)
If advertising is a source of funding, this will be clearly stated. A brief description of the advertising policy adopted by the website owner will be displayed on the site. Advertising and other promotional material will be presented to visitors in a way that facilitates differentiation between it and the original material supplied by the site operator.


Legal notice

Responsible for content

Dr. med. Michaela Schmid
Forchstrasse 289
8008 Zürich
Fon: +41 (0)44 389 10 50
Fax: +41 (0)44 389 10 55
Email: Send us a mail

Concept, design and programming

mann & maus, Rolf Eberle


Rolf Eberle, Michaela Schmid



Aim and purpose

This website is oriented to previous and future patients of the practice of Dr. med. M. Schmid as well as to interested persons. The information provided on this website is intended to support the existing doctor-patient relationship but not replace it in any way.


Copyright © 2004–2017 Dr. med. M. Schmid, Zürich, Switzerland. All rights reserved. Dr. med. M. Schmid approves the copying of the documents published on the World Wide Web exclusively for non-commercial usage.


The information provided on the website of Dr. med. M. Schmidasserts no claim to completeness. It represents the personal opinion of Dr. med. M. Schmid. Legal claims cannot be derived from it. In particular we hereby distance ourselves expressly from all content of all websites that are linked/referred to. This assertion applies for all links and referrals provided within our own website. The party liable for unlawful, erroneous or incomplete content and especially for losses resulting from the use or non-use of information thus presented is solely the party providing the page to which reference was made, not the one that merely refers to the respective publication via links.

Ownership / Indication of sources

The content, illustrations, logo and word mark are the property of Dr. med. M. Schmid and may not be applied or used in any form. Excerpts and illustrations of hospitals were used on the website.

Privacy policy / Confidentiality

Our website can be used without indicating personal data. However, every web host (website operator or website provider) collects data on accesses to the website and saves these as “server log files”. The following items are logged: website visited, date/time at time of access, volume of data sent in bytes, site/link from where access is effected, IP address used, operating system used, browser used. The data compiled serves statistical purposes, although the website operator reserves the right to check subsequently the server logfiles in the event of unlawful usage.

We refer to the privacy notice of the service provider with respect to the use of the option of agreeing to an appointment online.

We do NOT use cookies on our website. We do NOT use Google Analytics. However, when you are redirected to the website of our partners, cookies are sometimes set. Because of this and because the legal situation is anything but clear, we work with an opt-in solution on the homepage and require your consent.
E-mails transmitted via this homepage are not encrypted and the content could be possibly be viewed by outside persons. Information of visitors is as a matter of course treated strictly confidentially and is subject to medical confidentiality. No data whatsoever is passed on to third parties. This offer of services is subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is exclusively Zürich.

Freedom from advertising / Independence

All items of medical and health-related advice on this website are supplied only by medically trained and qualified specialists. The website is not supported by any commercial organisation and does not offer any advertising for specific products or companies. Dr. med. M. Schmid herself bears all costs connected with the website.