Merkblatt des Bundesamt für Gesundheit zum Coronavirus
Corona virus

In conformity with the code of conduct of the FOPH, we request that if you have symptoms (a cough or temperature), you should NOT come to the practice; instead, you should inform us by phone.
FOPH website
Code of conduct and hygiene rules of the FOPH
Information for pregnant women (Swiss Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics SSGO)
Information on COVID-19 vaccination this autumn for pregnant women
Information leaflet on home treatment of the Health Directorate of the Canton of Zürich

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR has been in force since May 2018. Basically, we welcome stricter and more comprehensive data protection; the more stringent regulations mean (theoretically) an increase in informal self-determination. We have ourselves audited annually (since 2005) by the foundation Health on the Net (HON) for e.g. compliance with data protection and the confidentiality of personal data. Further information is given in our Legal notice Legal notice.

Arranging appointments online

As of now, you can arrange your appointments conveniently online

Beatrice Prader

DieThe midwife Ms Beatrice Prader offers on request (after consultation) appointments for advising on pregnancy, preparing for birth and breast feeding, as well as puerperium care and training of the pelvic base.
Please consult her Website for exact details. You can arrange appointments via us or directly via Ms Prader.

3D sonography (ultrasound)

I also offer 3D ultrasound. On request also with non-medical indications (separately charged).

Mutterschaft SECO 2014
Health Insurance Law: Changes for maternity from 1.3.2014

As from 1 March 2014, from the beginning of the 13th week of pregnancy until eight weeks after birth women are generally exempted from a sharing of costs (health insurance deductible, retention, contribution to costs of hospital stay) for all medical services.

From the start of pregnancy, the services in connection with a normal maternity are exempt from health insurance deductible and retention, as has hitherto been the case. To comply with the new regulation, the doctor accompanying the pregnancy must indicate the presumed beginning of the 13th week of pregnancy (= most likely time of birth minus 196 days) on the invoice. The time of birth should be determined if possible via an early ultrasound.

To inform the health insurance company precisely about the start of the 13th week of pregnancy, I issue pregnant women with a form of the gynécologie suisse SGGG (Swiss Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics SSGO) and the FMH. With this form signed by me, the expectant mother can immediately inform her insurer (her health insurance company).

Pregnant women and mothers are specially protected by law. The Federal Administration provides information on maternity protection on the website of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.

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