BMI (body mass index) is a calculation formula (weight in kg divided by height in m2)
to determine normal weight or under- or overweight.

You can have your BMI calculated with the following form.

Enter your weight and your height (separate decimal places with point) and click on «Calculate».

Weight in kg Height in cm


Your BMI is

BMI evaluation  
BMI over 30 Overweight, health impaired
BMI 26–30 Slightly overweight
BMI 18–25 Normal weight
BMI under 18 Weight too low, health impaired
Desirable BMI  
Aged 19–24 BMI 19 to 24
Aged 24–34 BMI 20 to 25
Aged 35–44 BMI 21 to 26
Aged 45–54 BMI 22 to 27
55–64 BMI 23 to 28
Aged 65 and over BMI 24 to 29


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